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Afternoon Tea - Perth

On Sunday 13th September we held a silent auction and afternoon tea to help Aimee. Thanks to everyon's generosity we made a whopping $2730 and with roughly 25 attendees it was a great deal of money to be raised in a matter of 3 hours!


The afternoon was spent nibbling, sipping champagne, chatting and bidding. A notebook was circulating where everyone could leave Aimee some positive and uplifting words for her to read and know that everyone was always there for her to help in anyway possible.


Thank you to each and everyone of you who come along and spent the afternoon with Aimee, I know she enjoyed the afternoon and appreciated everyone's donations.


Wishing the Backing Aimee New Zealand High Tea a great success! I know you girls will do really well.


A special thank you also needs to be mentioned to Hannah Dowthwaite who put the Perth afternoon tea together and put so much effort and work into making it the success it was. 

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